Due to the success of YEP, AEGEE- Europe has decided to continue the work and create “Why European Parliament 2.0. – YEP 2.0.” in the frame of the upcoming European Parliament election, on May 23-26th. Gender equality, sustainably, paid internships, safe traveling or youth employment: the European Parliament has an important play in our daily life. With YEP 2.0., we aim to encourage young people to vote and be a part of the European discussions.
Our objectives are to:
- Inform about the European Parliament as an institution and the upcoming election.
- Educate about the importance of European citizenship, the democratic process of civic participation.
- Open a dialogue and empower young people to become active citizens.
The activities:
Our projects are divided into various online and offline activities at local and European levels. It includes workshops, conferences, debates or discussions revolving around the youth and its issues. The activities are listed as such:
- Project team meetings
- Training for facilitators
- Week of Europe – with AEGEE-Delft
- Action Tours
- Regional Multiplier Meetings
- European Democracy Day – with AEGEE-Bucharest
- Young European Activists’ Hub or YEAH Festival – with AEGEE- Torino, ToGather and the city of Turin (website: http://yeahub.eu).
- Social media campaign
YEP 2.0. is in partnership with a larger communication campaign launched by the European Parliament called “#thistimeimvoting”. The initiative is to raise and reinforce the awareness about the importance of voting as well as supporting the engagement of young citizens. To be a part of the campaign, you can register via this link: http://ttimv.eu/aegee.
If you want to find out more about YEP 2.0, make sure to follow us on our social networks. The project is co-funded by the European Parliament and ends on July 31st.