After a little more than a year working on engaging, informing and empowering young people to take action and participate in the European Parliament elections in May 2019, now we are ready to build a better Europe and look back on the fruitful partnership AEGEE-Europe has been having with the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement!
As the final step of this great project, we are organising the final conference of our My Europe My Say on the 4th of December!
This one-day conference will be in the European Parliament and will be hosted by Member of the European Parliament, MEP Niklas Nienaß (Greens/EFA).
The event is part of the LLLWeek 2019 which is organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform with a focus on Learning Democracy, Values and Participation.
Join us to celebrate the end of this project and the continuation of our youth participation journey!
You can find the registration link here!