The Millennium Development Goals Conference

From Friday the 19th of November Utrecht will be the stage of a six days conference on the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). Youngsters of three continents (Africa, Asia and Europe) discuss with the Dutch society on the progress of these goals, and work together on designing the next steps in reaching these Millennium Goals. […]

AEGEE supports the MEP’s written declaration for European Statutes for Associations, Mutuals and Foundations

Five MEPs – Marc Tarabella (S&D, Belgium), Regina Bastos (EPP, Portugal), Pascal Canfin (Greens/EFA, France), Renate Weber (ALDE, Romania) and Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL, France) – have cosigned a written declaration asking the European Commission to “take the necessary steps to introduce proposals for a European Statute for Associations (EA), Mutuals (EM), and Foundations (EF), to propose a feasibility study and an impact assessment on the EA and the EM, and to complete the impact assessment on the EF in due course”. […]

Higher Education Days – Start the shaking process in Europe!

Yes! The shaking process has begun! Higher Education Days (HED) Project under the energetic slogan “Shake your HED!” wants and offers the students the chance to be proactive towards the development of their educational systems. Our first event took place on the 4th of November in Groningen, the Netherlands: students, who were face to face. The goal? First identify the problems of their higher education systems and then seek for solutions. […]

European Year of Volunteering 2011

The European Year of Volunteering (EYV) 2011, officially adopted on 24th November, 2009 by the Council of the European Union, is an civil society initiative led by the so-called “EYV 2011 Alliance”, a platform of European civil society organisations. AEGEE joined the Alliance this year, and is now one of the 28 member organisations promoting the four objectives of the Year: […]

Human Resources European School

The first Human Resources European School takes place in Budapest 14-21 November 2010. The Human Resources European School (HRES) is a 7-day training aiming at empowering both HR responsibles and board members of youth NGOs to develop, implement and manage HR strategies at local level. […]

YOUrope Needs YOU! Action Months

In April-May-June AEGEE members are leading workshops in high schools, empowering young students all over Europe. […]

AEGEE Looking Beyond in June

In the upcoming weeks – after more than a year of preparations and hard work – AEGEE’s Beyond Europe Project will kick off with two events that are unprecedented and breath-taking. […]

Day of Europe

On 9th of May we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which was the first move towards the creation of what is now known as the European Union. […]