PRES2 – 7 days of communication and public relations in a multicultural environment
The domain of communication and public relations has developed rapidly in the past decade. It represents one of the most important department in an organisation because its main purpose is to construct and promote the image of it. The domain of communication and its various forms of representation: PR, Advertising, Photo, Film, Strategy, represent at the same time a science and an art. In order to create and sustain a powerful image of the organisation it is a must to understand and use in an appropriate manner all these elements. […]
Reaction to the White Paper on Transportation
Recently, the European Commission issued the White Paper “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area –Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system”, outlining the strategy for transport in the EUuntil 2050 and setting ten goals for a competitive and resource efficient transport system. […]
Happy Birthday Europe! Still a long way to go!
61 years ago the Schuman declaration was the starting point of Europe as we know it today. Comparing the status of Europe at that moment to today, we can only be happy with the progress that has been made so far. We can only gladly cheer “Happy Birthday Europe”. However, there is still a long way to go! […]
EurPrivacy: privacy in the digital era
The discussion on privacy has changed rapidly in the past decade. The internet has opened a new era of communication, where a message may reach millions, surveillance is automated and invisible and governments start representing their citizens by ones and zero’s. AEGEE-Nijmegen has entered this debate by organising EurPrivacy, a two-day conference on privacy in the digital era. […]
Summer Universities 2011
AEGEE was founded with the aim to unify young people in Europe in order to foster democracy, human rights, European dimension in education and to strive for creating an open and tolerant society. One of AEGEE’s major goals has always been the promotion of European Integration. With this goal in mind, in 1988 the Summer University Project (SU) was born. […]
Spring Network Meetings
This spring a total of 13 Network Meetings are going to take place in different corners of Europe. From western islands to southern ones, from northern cities to central and eastern European towns these Network Meetings will bring AEGEE members from neighbouring areas closer together and provide a platform for strong regional cooperation and knowledge transfer. […]
EU’s Eastern Partnership programme still neglects the interests of young people from Eastern Europe
European Students` Forum (AEGEE-Europe) has taken a leading role in creating an initiative to advance the mobility and the integration in Western educational exchange programmes of students and young adults from Eastern European countries. During the Stakeholders Meeting hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the civil society organization and youth representatives crossed their ties towards creating an informal network to develop strategies in order to improve the situation of youth from the 6 countries included in the Eastern Partnership programme of the European Commission. […]
EU Awareness Action Day in Yerevan
The office of AEGEE-Yerevan together with International Politics Working Group of AEGEE-Europe organized an event- EU Awareness Action Day which was held on 19 February 2011 at Best Western Congress Hotel. The workshop was dedicated to the “Overview of EU Institutions and Opportunities Given by the EU to non-EU Member States”. […]
The written declaration for the Statute of European Association is accepted
The EASEA today welcomes Jerzy Buzek’s proclamation of the European Parliament’s support for a statute for European associations during the plenary session in Strasbourg. The announcement follows the signing of Written Declaration 84/2010 by a majority of MEPs, that was submitted to the European Parliament through cross party support from Regina Bastos (EPP), Marc Tarabella (S&D), Pascal Canfin (Greens-EFA), Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE-NGL) and Renate Weber (ALDE). AEGEE was deeply involved during the whole initiative and was actively lobbying in the European Parliament for the written declaration 84/2011! […]
Youth UnEmployment Project
The Youth Employment issue became very significant in 2008-2009 in a consequence of young people in Europe were disproportionately affected by the Global Financial Crisis. With over 5 million people under the age of 25 were unemployed in the EU27 by 2010. As youth employment has been a strategic priority for the European Youth Forum with their Member Organisations decided to work on the issue. […]