International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)
IFMSA is a non-partisan and not-for-profit organization recognized as one of the oldest and largest student-run organizations in the world. IFMSA was established in 1951 after the end of World War II to serve as a platform for unity, collaboration and peace among medical students. IFMSA currently has a broad [...]
The Bringing Europeans Together Association
BETA Europe’s goal is to actively support such political simulations as the Model European Union (MEU), events which allow young people to engage in politics and discover the founding principles behind Europe through a first hand experience of the democratic process. AEGEE and BETA Europe support each other with their [...]
Erasmus Student Network
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. ESN's mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students. AEGEE and ESN have always shared many goals and objectives. In the last years, the collaboration has been strengthened substantially by improving the collaboration [...]
Hostelling International
Hostelling International (HI) is a global membership organization, with a network of nearly 4000 hostels represented by 65 National Associations. As a non-profit organization, Hostelling International works with its 3.7 million youth members to promote a greater understanding of people, places and cultures through peace education, environmental awareness and global [...]
Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri
Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri aims to bring in and promote many actions in order to disclose Franck Biancheri’s work to the general public in Europe and the world. As Franck Biancheri was the founder of AEGEE, there was a cooperation for the 30th Anniversary of our organisation. Since [...]
Brussels Interns NGO
B!NGO focuses on promoting quality internships, supporting interns and dialogue with stakeholders on this matter. B!ngo and AEGEE- Europe cooperate on the basis of mutual promotion, exchange of events and initiatives related to quality internships.
Board of European Students of Technology
BEST is a student NGO which provides communication, cooperation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe. BEST and AEGEE share knowledge and best practices, work together on training opportunities and participate in each other’s events.
Think Young
Think Young is a Brussels-based think tank focusing on young Europeans. It aims at mobilising young Europeans into reflecting upon their future, believing in their potential and showing the results to political, business and social actors. AEGEE- Europe and Think Young cooperate on the basis of mutual promotion, exchange of [...]
Debating Europe
Debating Europe is a platform which connects European citizens and politicians together in an online debate. It brings questions, comments and ideas of citizens directly to the policy makers and experts that can trigger a discussion on European challenges.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The OSCE is the world’s largest world’s largest regional security organization and has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects. It addresses a wide range of security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter- [...]
Asia-Europe Foundation
ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation) promotes greater mutual understanding between Asia and Europe through intellectual, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. They organize around 25 projects per year, involving 100+ events in Asia and Europe.