Sustainability Manifesto

Sustainability Manifesto We, the people of AEGEE, meeting at the Autumn Agora Salerno 2019, hereby declare: We ACKNOWLEDGE that we have a moral and social responsibility to make Europe and the world a better place for current and future generations. We UNDERSTAND that Sustainable Development aims to meet the needs of present generations without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We face challenges in all three pillars of Sustainable Development: Environmental - the ongoing pollution of our home, habitat destruction for millions of species, and the refusal to acknowledge planetary boundaries, leading to both a [...]

Sustainability Manifesto2020-07-29T17:24:24+02:00

Joint declaration AEGEE-Europe, AAFB, LEAP2040 – From European Elections 2019 to Europe 2040: Making sure Europe’s nascent democracy serves the interests of the next generations

(To the attention of our political & civil society leaders) The 2019 European Elections enter into history as the first signal of ownership of the European project by citizens. The stop to falling turnout proves that the European election will no longer be a second-class vote. The presence of three trans-European parties in the campaign testifies that more Europeans understand that some issues are trans-border. The centrality of environmental concerns in the campaign, indicated by green parties’ high results and the importance of this question in every party agenda, shows that for a significant number of Europeans, this kind of [...]

Joint declaration AEGEE-Europe, AAFB, LEAP2040 – From European Elections 2019 to Europe 2040: Making sure Europe’s nascent democracy serves the interests of the next generations2020-07-29T17:24:51+02:00

Inclusive Mobility Alliance – Press Release

  Press Release Inclusive Mobility Alliance puts forth recommendations for a more inclusive Erasmus programme   The Inclusive Mobility Alliance has been officially launched on the 22nd of January 2019 at the European Parliament. Gathering more than 20 organisations with expertise in Disability, Youth and Higher Education, the Alliance aims at making Erasmus+ more inclusive. Students and young people taking part in Erasmus+ mobilities represent respectively approx. 0.17% and 2.8% of all beneficiaries. These low figures have been stagnating for the past 10 years and are the main reasons behind the creation of the Inclusive Mobility Alliance. Based on the United Nation Convention on the [...]

Inclusive Mobility Alliance – Press Release2020-07-29T17:33:26+02:00

Position paper on Intersectionality and Policy-making

Intersectionality and Policy-making  For an intersectional approach to youth policy and anti-discrimination law  Written by Juliette Beaulaton Introduction  AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe/European Students’ Forum) was created in 1985 with the vision of creating a unified Europe, based on democracy and a respect for human rights, by bringing together students with different cultural backgrounds. Today, AEGEE / European Students’ Forum is a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit student organization, which has around 13,000 members from 160 cities and 40 countries all over Europe. We strive for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically [...]

Position paper on Intersectionality and Policy-making2018-10-25T15:30:48+02:00

Policy Paper – The importance of transversal skills and competences for young people in a modern Europe

By Steven Glasbeek. 1. Introduction AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe/European Students’ Forum) was created in 1985 with the vision of creating a unified Europe, based on democracy and a respect for human rights, by bringing together students with different cultural backgrounds. Today, AEGEE is Europe’s largest interdisciplinary youth organisation with 40 countries, 200 cities, and 13,000 friends. The extensive AEGEE network provides the ideal platform for young volunteers to work together on cross-border activities such as international conferences, seminars, exchanges, training courses and case study trips. To combat the challenges young people are currently facing in Europe, [...]

Policy Paper – The importance of transversal skills and competences for young people in a modern Europe2018-08-06T23:43:06+02:00

What can you(th) do to tackle migration?

By Réka Salamon January 30, European Parliament Brussels - the Events and Visitors’ Centre of the European Parliament saw groups of excited students from various parts of Europe entering the gates to discuss one of the most relevant and challenging topics of today’s time. The European Youth Seminar “Migration, Free Movement and Refugees - When Dreams Face Death by Drowning” held the promise to engage young people in the understanding of a very complex European issue, and offer them the space to discuss possible solutions. Background The European Youth Seminars of the European Parliament were launched in 2016 and have [...]

What can you(th) do to tackle migration?2020-07-29T17:33:54+02:00

Policy Paper on European Citizens’ Initiative

By Júlia Hanesz Introduction AEGEE / European Students’ Forum is a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit student organization, which has around 13,000 members from close to 200 cities and almost 40 countries all over Europe. We strive for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated and values the participation of young people in its construction and development. Our main mission is to strengthen mutual understanding among young Europeans and bring Europe closer by empowering them to take an active role in the society. For this reason, AEGEE aims to create a space for dialogue [...]

Policy Paper on European Citizens’ Initiative2018-07-20T12:22:51+02:00

Policy Paper on the Summer University Project and the recognition of AEGEE as a provider of short-term youth mobility programs

01 | Introduction AEGEE-Europe / European Students’ Forum is a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit student organization which has around 13000 members from more than 200 cities in 40 countries all over Europe.[1] The mission of AEGEE is creation of borderless Europe, which could be implemented by giving the young people opportunities of cultural exchange, integration and travelling.[2] Visiting different countries is the best way to broaden the mind and share cultural diversity. However, quite a lot of destinations are still rather problematic for young people to reach, mostly due to bureaucratic (visas) and financial (high ticket prices) barriers. Moreover, [...]

Policy Paper on the Summer University Project and the recognition of AEGEE as a provider of short-term youth mobility programs2018-07-20T12:22:49+02:00

STATEMENT: AEGEE-Europe reacts to the ‘Brexit’ referendum results

Following the results of the UK referendum on EU membership, with 52% of citizens voting ‘Leave’, AEGEE / European Students’ Forum states that we respect the results and the will of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. However, as a Network and a family of young Europeans who dream and strive for a democratic, borderless Europe, today we are sad and disappointed with the referendum results. The referendum in the United Kingdom proves that the process of European integration can also regress, and it will unquestionably have drastic consequences - especially for the youth in the UK, the [...]

STATEMENT: AEGEE-Europe reacts to the ‘Brexit’ referendum results2018-07-20T12:22:45+02:00

Position of AEGEE to the deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union and to the Referendum on EU membership

Adopted at Spring Agora Bergamo, May 2016 On the 19 of February 2016, the European Council published the conclusions adopted during their last meeting, explaining the new member status agreed with the United Kingdom, which David Cameron will present to his electorate before the Referendum on EU membership [1]. The EU Referendum will be held on June 23rd in the United Kingdom, asking citizens whether the UK should remain a member of the EU or leave [2]. AEGEE strives for a diverse and borderless Europe, socially and politically integrated, and we see our vision of Europe seriously challenged by this [...]

Position of AEGEE to the deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union and to the Referendum on EU membership2016-06-12T11:56:31+02:00
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