AEGEE-Europe launches a new online and offline campaign: YEP. YEP stands for Why European Parliament and aims at informing young people about the European Parliament as an institution, the democratic concept for which it stands, its functioning and competences. Besides, it aims at exposing its relevance in the daily life of young people, encouraging them to take an active role in it.
The focusses of the project are, first of all, to train a pool of young multipliers on the above-mentioned objectives. These will afterwards form an informal network that will carry out numerous local and regional actions oriented at informing young people on the European Parliament by peer learning, non-formal education and audio visual production.
Second, the audiovisual part of the project has a central role, in order to increase its impact and reach as well as to unite all the actions carried out. In order to do so, a social media campaign will be launched with the produced materials during the project by all parties. This campaign will include information on the European Parliament, results of the workshops, videos with opinions of young people, and also will be a platform for exchange of materials to increase the impact of the project and to be able to duplicate it in the future. 100.000 young people is expected to be reached via the YEP campaign within the next 5 months.
725 multipliers directly reached by the project will also increase their competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) both regarding soft skills such as public speaking, moderation and facilitation, and knowledge on the European Parliament and the possibilities it offers. Thus, we aim at empowering the people that will directly participate in the project to create a long-term impact in themselves and societies.
- The project will consist of the following activities:
- Project team meeting
- Regional multiplier meetings
- Conference on Youth Participation in European Democracy
- Youth Participation Day
- Local Actions and Local Actions Tours
- Social media campaign
To carry out the development and implementation of the project, two project officers have been employed, that will work on the creation of content, as well as monitoring and disseminating the results of the work: Nadia Deis and Philipp Blum.
The project is co-funded by the European Parliament, and ends on August 31st.